How to do Digital Marketing?

August 15th, 2018

The two main digital marketing platforms are Google and Facebook. To begin with, you will be introduced Google Search Ads (Google) and Facebook Ads (FB). access-app-application-267399

Facebook Ads (FB)

Screen Shot 2018-08-30 at 11.23.59 AM Facebook advertisements are mainly displayed on users' homepage, either blended in with posts from friends, or on the right side of the homepage. Facebook Ads Manager is an ad management tool that helps create Facebook advertisement campaigns. You can customize your own target audience precisely according to their demographics, ranging from age, sex, location and hobbies. However, it is still difficult to master target audiences' needs and shopping motives. In order to attract new target audience, it is crucial to be creative and provide useful information that target their needs. For example, you can use video clips, photos or blogs. Facebook advertisement uses content marketing strategy, it requires more preparation work and time compared to other marketing strategies. Yet, it can attract more loyal customers in long term.

Google Search Ads (Google)

pvo-report11 Google Ads mainly appears on the top or bottom of the Google search results page next to or under an "Ads" label. The first step of creating a campaign is to insert relevant keywords. Then, give a title, description as well as Landing Page/ URL. Ads are ranked primarily on how relevant and useful they are to what the person searched for. Although the theory sounds straight-forward, it is in fact extremely difficult to master Google AdWords.

How to run an online campaign?

Large companies normally employ marketing specialists to manage the campaign. Since the cost is high, small-and-medium-sized enterprises (SME) tend to seek help from digital marketing agencies. Nevertheless, the quality and outcome cannot be ensured. Artificial intelligence (AI) became ideal for modern businesses, especially for SMEs. Screen Shot 2018-08-29 at 3.18.52 PM is the first online marketing platform based in Hong Kong. It can focus on the needs of Hong Kong businesses, providing bilingual keywords for clients. In addition,, the new rising star, is Google's Premium Partner, with the aim of promoting Google Ads. Consequently, Goodad fully understands the techniques in creating Google Ads and is capable of assisting SMEs. If you have further enquiries, check out

Digital MarketingFacebook AdGoogle AdOnline Marketing